The Woes of Sailor Pluto

I imagine that Sailor Pluto was devastated when she found out the humans didn’t view her home as a real planet anymore. She’d already felt left out because of the distance from the others, but this probably made her feel completely alienated. And probably betrayed as a physicist, shunned by who she saw as her kindreds. Sailor Pluto had always seemed mature, she probably felt like more of a lost little child than ever. So frustrated with herself too, because here she is, a supposed goddess* who can manipulate time and space, and yet she can’t do anything to bring Pluto closer. To stop herself from feeling so left out. And I imagine Sailor Moon coming to her and trying to make her feel better by reminding her that she’s not from a planet either, and she’s doing just fine. Sailor Pluto probably put up a front of disdain because of the fact that this ditsy little girl was trying to make herself equal to her, but really what she was thinking was: “Don’t you get it? You’re pretty and blonde and the freaking main Sailor of this universe. Of course you’re fine.

This was all I had, and now I really am alone.”

(Wait is this sailor moon fanfiction? No, let’s just call it Meta.)


*Oh come on, we all know she wasn’t really human.